MET Students at Fabrication Lab

September 26, 2019| Off Comments off on MET Students at Fabrication Lab|
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A new school year means another exciting year for the Met Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurship (MICE). This year we welcomed fourteen students (more than double from last year), half from Maples Met and half from Seven Oaks Met. 

We are excited to once again take part in their authentic learning approach and are fortunate to have the passion, energy and drive of our instructor, Bryce North

The MICE program provides learners with placements and connects them with local entrepreneurial mentors to help them design their own startups that cater to real clients. Through this partnership with North Forge, students will learn the design process, gain critical skills related to seeing a project through from beginning to end and develop a solid business concept. 

“Last year, students in the program started businesses related to app development, clothing lines, social enterprise, robotics and renewable energy,” said Marney Stapley, Vice President of North Forge, “all while gaining critical skills for a changing work world in a deeply authentic way. I am looking forward to seeing what they start this year.” 

Students will attend sessions with North Forge mentors where they update the group on their progress and are introduced to key contacts in the startup community. Learners also engage in weekly online learning modules on entrepreneurship, which provide the learners with a grounding in the literature and theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship.